E’ raro che la data della scomparsa di un musicista lasci tracce così profonde nell’immaginario collettivo. John Lennon fu ucciso a colpi di pistola da un suo fan, Mark David Chapman, l’8 dicembre di ventotto anni fa. A New York, dinanzi al Dakota Building, la memoria resta viva come un rito: ogni anno uno sciame di persone si riunisce e gli dedica una fiaccolata. L’artista assassinato lascia residui profondi tra le indefinite distrazioni della nostra memoria. John Lennon ci manca perché la musica è cambiata, ma senza di lui è come se non ci fosse stato un ulteriore slancio. Chiamiamolo fremito creativo come le composizioni scritte assieme a McCartney, rendendo i Beatles “più famosi di Gesù Cristo”; chiamiamolo diluvio pacifista, racimalato nei versi del manifesto lennoniano “Imagine”; chiamiamolo spudorata irrequietezza artistica nella storia indefinita con Yoko Ono. Il Lennon degli anni settanta ha mutuato la musica beat degli imbattibili sixties in rabbioso rock, capace di adattarsi ai tempi e alle modalità di fruizione delle nuove generazioni. Ascolto ininterrottamente le sue canzoni da oltre venti anni e ogni volta scopro sempre qualcosa di nuovo. I musicisti emergenti avrebbero molto da imparare da lui. Desideravo ricevere i suoi auguri natalizi, ma era impossibile. La signora Yoko Ono Lennon mi ha stupito, inviandomiun biglietto di auguri datato 16 dicembre 2000. Quella piccola dedica con la doppia firma è stato uno specchio in cui mi sono ritrovato adolescente, con i capelli lunghi e un folgarante desiderio di ribellione e libertà.
Rosario Pipolo
Giornalista e Communication specialist. Una Laurea in Lingue straniere con lode all'Università Federico II di Napoli e una specializzazione in Web Communication allo IED di Milano.
Standing on the corner
Just me and Yoko Ono
We was waiting for Jerry to land
Up come a man with a guitar in his hand
Singing, "Have a marijuana if you can"
His name was David Peel
And we found that he was real
He sang, "The Pope smokes dope every day"
Up come a policeman shoved us up the street
Singing, "Power to the people today!"
New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
Well down to Max's Kansas City
Got down the nitty gritty
With the Elephants Memory Band
Laid something down
As the news spread around
About the Plastic Ono Elephants Memory Band!
And we played some funky boogie
And laid some tutti frutti
Singing, "Long Tall Sally's a man."
Up come a preacherman trying to be a teacher
Singing, "God's a red herring in drag!"
New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
Well we did the Staten Island Ferry
Making movies for the telly
Played the Fillmore and Apollo for freedom
Tried to shake our image
Just a cycling through the Village
But found that we had left it back in London
Well nobody came to bug us
Hustle us or shove us
So we decided to make it our home
If the Man wants to shove us out
We gonna jump and shout
The Statue of Liberty said, "Come!"
New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
New York City...back in New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
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Standing on the corner
Just me and Yoko Ono
We was waiting for Jerry to land
Up come a man with a guitar in his hand
Singing, "Have a marijuana if you can"
His name was David Peel
And we found that he was real
He sang, "The Pope smokes dope every day"
Up come a policeman shoved us up the street
Singing, "Power to the people today!"
New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
Well down to Max's Kansas City
Got down the nitty gritty
With the Elephants Memory Band
Laid something down
As the news spread around
About the Plastic Ono Elephants Memory Band!
And we played some funky boogie
And laid some tutti frutti
Singing, "Long Tall Sally's a man."
Up come a preacherman trying to be a teacher
Singing, "God's a red herring in drag!"
New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
Well we did the Staten Island Ferry
Making movies for the telly
Played the Fillmore and Apollo for freedom
Tried to shake our image
Just a cycling through the Village
But found that we had left it back in London
Well nobody came to bug us
Hustle us or shove us
So we decided to make it our home
If the Man wants to shove us out
We gonna jump and shout
The Statue of Liberty said, "Come!"
New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
New York City...back in New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
one of the most beautiful lyrics.